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Join Us on FlipGive!

Join our team on FlipGive  (click on the pic) and start shopping through the app or our team page and we'll earn money every time you shop with popular brands like Sam's Club, Starbucks, Dick's, Buffalo Wild Wings, Wal-Mart, Texas Roadhouse and more! Remember to use FlipGive before you shop online so we'll earn cash back - make a purchase within the first 14 days of joining and we'll receive an additional bonus!

You can start selling Heggie's pizzas RIGHT NOW until November 27th.  Molly Anderson, fundraising coordinator, will be at the rink from 5pm-7pm on Monday, November 27th to collect order forms and checks.  Pizza pick-up will be Tuesday, December 12th from 5pm-7pm.  

Visit Our GoFundMe Page Here!

Green Island Concessions Open for Home Games!

Our Concession Stand Committee has been working hard to get the Green Island Concession Stand up and running. We are planning to be open for business during all home games and we need your support! This means purchasing from the stand and no bringing snacks/beverages from home.

Check out the menu below for our new, awesome selection!